AfterWork: Dual use info
to 14. marrask.
Talking about dual use regulations and practical challenges and applications in industry

Time & Location
14. marrask. 2024 klo 14.00 – 16.00
About the event
PROGRAM Opening and introductions of participant
Export control of dual-use items in Finland, Henri Loukusa, Senior specialist, Export Control Unit , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland
“The presentation will cover background and legal basis of export control of dual-use items in Finland. Export control of dual-use items is based on the EU Dual-Use Regulation and complementary national law, which was updated in September 2024. In addition, the presentation will touch upon the issue of export of intangible items such as knowledge and services”
Industry Perspective: Challenges in Implementing Export Controls, Rosa Rosanelli, Vice President, Head of Compliance, Patria Oyj
“Practical export control challenges in industry collaboration, including when US origin items are involved. What is needed to know and be equipped with as a company. As a committee Chair in export controls and sanctions in the European industry association ASD, the speaker will provide some insights about challenges at…