to 31. lokak.
|Tampereen Yliopisto Hervanta campus
ROS2 Expert Workshop III
Workshop for all people interested in ROS2 and its practical use in industry and academia.
Time & Location
31. lokak. 2024 klo 9.10 – 16.00
Tampereen Yliopisto Hervanta campus, Korkeakoulunkatu 7, 33720 Tampere, Finland
About the event
Tampere University and FIMA are arranging 3rd open technical workshop on Robotic Operating System 2 (ROS2). ROS2 workshops are building Finnish community among the people interested on the topic and who are its practical use in industry and academia. The event is free and open for everyone
Presentations will include exciting topics relating
- practical SW development aspects with ROS2 (e.g., using containers with ROS2 and ROS2 SW testing )
- technical insights to concepts like security in ROS2
- examples of ROS2 usage in various application scenarios (heavy machines, small scale prototyping, manufacturing, unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles etc. ).
- role of ROS2 as a tool for enabling co-operation between different organization working in the same project
Presentations are coming from academia (Aalto University, University of Oulu and Tampere University ) as well as from industry (Atostek, GIMRobotics, Insta, Karelics, Nomga).
Agenda Outline:
9:15 Registration & coffee
9:25 Opening
9:30 Presentations and demos
12:00 Lunch (self-supported)
13:00 Presentations and demos
16:00 Closing